Build Emotional Resilience

Right up until he passed away, Dr John Hinwood was a prolific blogger (an award-winning blogger in fact!). John’s blog’s shared musing from a rich history of experience, learnings, travel and wisdom


The Hinwood Institute is named in honour of Dr John and to continue his legacy, we’re republishing his blogs to keep his wisdom, wit and wise words alive for the world to enjoy.

You can learn more about the legacy of Dr John Hinwood HERE.

Emotional resilience is simply defined as a person’s ability to adapt to stressful situations or crises. More resilient people can “roll with the punches” and adapt to adversity without lasting difficulties, while less resilient people have a harder time adapting to stress in their personal life and work environment.

Resilient people are more often action oriented and don’t give up easily. Usually, if they are not succeeding, they are prepared to look at a different approach to get the outcome they are seeking. 

Emotional and physical resilience is, to a degree, something you’re born with. Some people, by their nature, are less upset by changes and surprises and this is usually evident in infancy and tends to be stable throughout the person’s lifetime. Emotional resilience is also related to some factors that aren’t under your control, such as age, gender, and exposure to trauma. However, resilience can be developed if you have the will.

You need to have a desire to handle life’s challenges with greater ease, to grow from adversity, and want to turn negative events into positive ones. You need to exhibit a victor mentality and not live in the state of a victim.

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Seven common traits of people who exhibit emotional resilience are:

Optimism: Resilient people can see or find the positive aspects in most situations and believe they will handle whatever comes along. 

Perspective:  Resilient people learn from their mistakes rather than deny them, they see obstacles as challenges to be overcome or adjust to, and find meaning in difficult situations rather than seeing themselves as a victim of uncontrollable circumstances. 

Perseverance:  Resilient people are often action oriented and don’t give up, even if they are not succeeding at the time or doing things perfectly. They understand the Japanese Proverb…  ”Fall seven times, stand up eight.”

Emotional Awareness:  Resilient people can identify what they are feeling in the moment and why they are feeling that way. They are prepared to own the feeling, and then change it to support the result they desire.

Support:  Resilient people understand the value of support and they find and surround themselves with supportive friends and family. 

Sense of Humor: Resilient people know to laugh at themselves and life’s difficulties as it’s a way of coping with something unpleasant.  

Choice:  Resilient people know that “choosing not to choose, is choosing” and that they are in control of themselves most of time and that they have a choice in most situations.   

Choice:  Resilient people know that “choosing not to choose, is choosing” and that they are in control of themselves most of time and that they have a choice in most situations.   

John Hinwood Lens

If you’re ready to strengthen your emotional resilience and leadership skills, start your journey with our Resilient Leader Scorecard This tool will help you identify your resilience strengths and areas for growth as a leader. Take the Resilient Leader Scorecard now!

Let’s work together to enhance your resilience and leadership, empowering you to navigate challenges with confidence and purpose.

resilient leader scorecard

How well do you roll with the punches?

Discover how you score against key resilience indicators and increase your ability to minimise stress, maximise time, live well and roll with the punches.


How it works:

  • Answer 25 simple questions
  • Generate results instantly
  • Receive feedback to enhance your score

Listen to the Podcast here

About the Author

Dr. John Hinwood
Dr. John Hinwood is a Global Leader in Stress Management. He is a very experienced and respected executive coach, mentor, consultant, sought after international speaker and author. He specialises in facilitation that leads clients out of the stress and into the calm. He has a reputation for innovative and transformational work in stress-life balance and mindset change for front line employees, to managers and business leaders.

Dr John Hinwood has shared the stage with Dr John Demartini, Dr Deepak Chopra, Dr Wayne Dyer, Dr Joe Dispenzia, Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul fame), Dr Bruce Lipton, Dr Masaru Emoto and others who are at the cutting edge of human behaviour and mindset change.

He has written 14 books with 4 being Amazon international best sellers. He has had papers published in academic journals and was once Captain/Coach of the Danish National Rugby Team. Dr. John’s experience as a health professional by training, successful businessman by effort and an inspiration by inclination has given him an awesome array of practical tools for success.