Appropriate Workplace Behaviour

What’s it all about?
This is an engaging and interactive workshop that uses group work, scenarios and case studies to enable participants to gain a clear understanding of what it means to behave appropriately in the workplace. This includes considering their own behaviour and contribution as part of the team.
The workshop explores organisational policies as well as legislation that guides appropriate workplace behaviour. Participants explore what is working in their organisation and gain an understanding of appropriate mechanisms and options when things are not working.
Participants build their understanding and confidence in accessing appropriate support or grievance mechanisms, as well as practical strategies for supporting colleagues and managing their own stress and self-care if challenges arise.
In this session we will explore:
- What it means to provide a safe workplace including legislation and individual rights
- Organisational policies and procedures that contribute to ensuring a safe environment
- Identifying bullying, harassment and discrimination and how these are different to ‘one off’ instances of offensive behaviour
- Reporting inappropriate workplace behaviour – who, how, when?
- Grievances – access, process and limitations
- Supporting work colleagues who are being bullied, harassed or discriminated against
- Stress management and self-care
This training is ideal for:
- Employees at all levels
- Employees who have not completed AWB training
- Employees who have not completed AWB training within the past 2 years
For more information about this session, please contact CORP directly on (08) 8941 5661 or