Do you want a business or career that makes tons of money, gives you a sense that you are doing something purposeful or meaningful, and allows you plenty of time to spend with family, enjoying life, and keeping yourself health?

If it was easy then everybody would do it right?

The reality is that of all the people who start out with a dream of a business that gives them that, less than 10% will actually achieve it.

The rest of them, regardless of their ability and skill in their craft, trade, sport or profession, will struggle and endure intensely stressful periods, sometimes lasting years.


Watching his father come home late from work most nights, work most Saturdays, witnessing his mother raise 3 boys and then do outsource sewing late at night after she had put them all to bed, had a profound impact on Michael in his childhood.

The useful aspect was instilling a solid work ethic, the un-useful was imprinting his subconscious with a program of overwork.

Before he understood the significant control that our subconscious mind exerts over planning and thinking, Michael decided to do things differently than his parents, and have his own business, he thought that being a business owner rather than a ‘wage slave’ was the ticket to a different kind of life.

When he got his first business he worked passionately in an effort to build a secure future for his family. And unwittingly fell into the same patterns that had been downloaded decades before. Working from early morning to late night, not taking days off, justifying to himself and his family that it was only for a short while… but it wasn’t.

The stress of overwork took its toll, he was exhausted, frustrated, a poor husband and an absent father, the fatigue contributed to poor decisions. Eventually the business was lost, and divorce followed shortly after.

After a period of navel-gazing, feeling sorry for himselfand realising that if his outer world was to change, his inner world needed to shift first, Michael embarked on a quest for knowledge that continues to this day. It has seen him study and learn in business classes, coaching and counseling courses, natural wellness schools, and from highly respected personal development teachers in Australia and America, as well as spending time with shamans in South America, and in meditative retreats in Asia.

For over 15 years Michael managed, then co-founded the leading wellbeing retreats in Phuket, Thailand. For over 20 years he studied and coached one-on-one with Dr. John Hinwood on Stress Management and Emotional Resilience.

By wedding his knowledge of business practices, thought leadership, values driven relationships stress management, and physical wellbeing, he has created a unique program of transformation for business owners and leaders.

This is a rich and powerful experience that changes lives. He works with business owners, leaders and their partners from around the world, guiding them to transform from the Working Wounded to Wellness Warriors.

His vision is a world where business is a healthy pursuit; healthy from the head to the heart to the hip pocket.

Michael’s joy is in people achieving more balance, happy family lives, and growing their business as well as their people.

To him, every person is important, he is equally excited to work with a local tradesman as he is with a household name.

His clientele includes; English Premier League Football Managers, Ferrari Formula 1 Directors, a Brownlow medalist, and All Blacks rugby players.

Co-founding The Hinwood Institute to honour the legacy of Dr. John and Dr. Judy Hinwood, has provided Michael an ideal vehicle to continue developing and delivering this life and business changing work.

Get Your Copy of Michael’s 155 page book, Be Well Now.

Available FREE, or for a small donation to our preferred charity.

Pre-order Your Copy of his new book, SIMPLER – a practical guide wellbeing, due for release late 2022.

Media One-Sheet

Need more info? Download Michael’s Media One-Sheet for your reference.

Here’s a sample of typical statements that my clients use to describe their situation to me when we first start working together;

Had Enough


Sick and tired of it all

Can't get on the front foot

Nobody Cares

The dream has died

There's just no fun anymore

I'm making plenty of money but I'm not happy

Run down





I've ended just like my father/mother

Can't trust people

Everyday is stressful

Over it


No way out

Nobody understands how hard it is for owners/leaders

Stuck in the hamster wheel

No time for family

Things used to be so simple

There's no respite

Nobody starts out in their career or business planning for it to become a major source of stress and anxiety in their lives. Mostly they imagine that they’ll do a good or great job of it, and they will make enough to be able to pay their bills on time, have some savings, enjoy time with loved ones, be able to engage in fun pursuits and holidays, and have some extra to help others.

The reality is vastly different.

Business is a pressure cooker, still run by outdated models of management and structures that place too much reliance on an individual. Because these models are flawed, they only serve to increase the pressure as business grows.

Every client I have ever had has been skilled in their craft, profession, or sport. But they have not necessarily learned the skills of self care and how to structure their business or career so that it works for them, rather than them becoming a slave to it.

"The Predictable path of decline. walk with me down this path and see if any of what I say feels true for you;"

Stage 1

You get excited and put a lot of time in, you think you have got to pay your dues, you want to go the extra mile and make people happy, you get over-excited and have no boundaries or systems to manage your time. Your enthusiasm carries you and others along but only so far. Because you are so energised by your vision and all the activity and tasks, you fail to observe where pressure is building.

Stage 2

Pressure begins to build because you don’t have systems and support in place to take care of the many, many aspects of business that are required in order for you to just do what you are good at. In this step you find that you are not resting well, not eating well, not taking care of yourself. You become abrupt and inconsiderate, and snap at people who might point out the imbalance you are in.

Stage 3

Stress becomes an issue. The symptoms vary, but can include any of these; anger, helplessness, frustration, numbness, hopelessness. No matter what you do, nothing gets better, or if it does it’s only temporary until the next emergency, or creditor, or call for help lands on your desk. You start to feel like giving up. The stress of business has ground you down and smothered your spirit and energy. You berate yourself for every trying this and become a strong self critic.

No matter what you try the situation keeps getting worse. The pressure is relentless.

Stage 4

Your health begins to suffer. You gain or lose weight and people tell you that you look tired and/or older. The early symptoms of heart disease, diabetes and cancer can arise, or may lay hidden for some time yet as they wreak destruction internally. You are mentally, physically and emotionally off your game, but you drag yourself in to work still to do the best you can manage. You might take a holiday hoping that will help, but you feel a dread about even going back to work. You might even sign up for a gym, but rarely go, or buy a bicycle that sits gathering dust.

Stage 5

Everything intensifies; the lack of personal time, the pressure, the stress, the decline in health and wellbeing. Something has to give. Sometimes it’s your body, sometimes it’s a marriage, sometimes it’s the business, or maybe, all three.

If any of these stages feel true to you, don’t give up. Help is at hand.

Normally it can take years to get to Stage 5, and it can’t be unwound in a day or a week or a month. That’s why I don’t entertain working with people for less than a year. When you are under stress it’s normal to feel urgency to fix the problem. However it takes time, and I don’t believe in piling more stress on you than already exists, people break down from that.

Speaker Testimonials

Thank you Michael,

I had some issues I have not had the courage to tell anyone about. It felt great to release them, I’m feeling much lighter in my stomach



I had a session with Michael to help me with a problem I’ve had for many years.  The thing is that this problem was created by my own thinking, not by anyone else, it was in my head.

After we finished I felt free, relaxed and could breathe again.

Thank you, Michael, and thank you Atmanjai!

We will definitely be back 3 or 4 more times.

We love you!



Michael Massey is a warm, caring and professional man who shows a genuine interest in a person’s health and wellbeing at all times.

I spent over an hour with Michael in a session called NLT, and got some very positive emotional and intellectual shifts that have been holding me back in my life for the past year or more.  It’s easy to look within and think “I need to change…yes, I will change…. I know I can do it”, but ‘doing it’ isn’t always as simple as our internal works might suggests. Michael listened to me intently; he showed and demonstrated his true ability to guide me to where I wanted and needed to go for so long.  At the end of the session he even suggested and action plan to make the session ‘thinking and felling’ even more ‘implementable’ and ‘achievable’.  You’re great Michael. I love you.


Tapping is like cleaning out the cupboards of your mind and finding tome things hanging around the back that you realise had no longer need or want. Even just localising the emotions and vocalising how you feel is healing.  Add to this, the compassion, clarity and love  that Michael shows  to you during t he process, then I couldn’t hep but feel grateful that he’d helped me dig around in the recesses of my mind and body to send od ‘stuff’ packing.

Michael is a special man with a lot of lovely, kind, clear energy.  His guidance through detox and NFT is intuitive and I’m glad I am here now and experienced this.

Thank you, Namaste



I had a good session with Michael during my detox.  I was detoxing physically but needed a push/assistance to open up emotionally.  During the session I was able to begin to let go of some emotion to assist the detox of my mind, body and spirit.  I look forward to continuing to do this work throughout life.

Thank you for a great experience.


I had an amazing session with Michael.  Going into it with no expectations, the result I had was incredible.  In a very caring and relayed manner, Michael was able to very quickly allow me to find an issue that unconsciously had been affecting me for over 40 years.

Powerful emotions erupted to the surface for me and Michael then guided me through several tapping processes.  Each had instantaneous results, finally leaving me feeling strong, confident and happy.

Given I had an underlying blockage for so many years, it feels so good to have a clear head and now total contentment.

Michael’s manner, knowledge and caring nature give me cause to recommend his services to the utmost.  He will assist you to allow yourself to find happiness. Thank you.



Thank you Michael for taking the time to help me on my journey to emotional freedom.

The session I had with you was not only extremely beneficial but inspiring.

I will be sure to continue with the steps and tools you have provided me with and will always be grateful to you and the Atmanjai for opening the door to my healing process. I’m feeling great.

Thank you for everything!!!



Rubbish, Rubbish, Rubbish….

WE accumulate so much in our body, and I am not talking about food here.

My mind was loaded with stressful events in my life since my childhood.

I am a therapist and I thought by working regularly on myself that I was getting it out but when started the detox, I felt that I had more to clean. I became emotional, my shoulder were tense after a car accident.

I had a session with Michael, and I was able to free my head and body from the emotions, bad memories stored in my body.  Then I attended a Zumba class, started moving my arms and started crying.  I was letting it all out.

I decided not have a second session and now I can say that my heart is really happy.

I feel light.

I want to fly….

Thank you, Michael, for being such an attentive, caring person.

The rubbish is out.

The detox is over today, and I am ready to enjoy my life to the full.

Thank you.



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