NT Women in Leadership Workshop

NT Women in Leadership Workshop

Purchase Your Tickets About this event Enhance your effectiveness as a leader in an evolving professional landscape • Develop your individual leadership style• Build confidence to lead authentically and effectively• Learn the art of confident communication• Enhance...
How to Increase Productivity & Performance in Your Team

How to Increase Productivity & Performance in Your Team

Purchase Your Tickets What’s it all about? The working landscape of the Northern Territory is constantly changing. We can’t use a crystal ball to predict what will happen next, however we can empower our teams to be adaptive, resilient and open to growth. Leaders are...
How to Increase Productivity & Performance in Your Team

How to Increase Productivity & Performance in Your Team

Purchase Your Tickets What’s it all about? The working landscape of the Northern Territory is constantly changing. We can’t use a crystal ball to predict what will happen next, however we can empower our teams to be adaptive, resilient and open to growth. Leaders are...
Building Trust as a New Supervisor

Building Trust as a New Supervisor

In supervision or leadership, trust is one of the most important things that you will need to develop, but it will take time. Trust encompasses a whole range of things and it takes time to build yet can be unraveled very quickly. Here are a few ideas of things that...