Turn Stress into Your Strength. Shift from Chaos to Calm.
Executive Leadership Coaching

We get it – Being a business leader is hard.
When you’re feeling tired, emotionally drained, frustrated and irritable, it’s hard to be the person that everyone expects you to be.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
We will show you simple, practical tools, resources and strategies you can use to increase resilience , roll with the punches and adapt to challenges.
Without the right tools & strategies, leaders are at risk of:



Over this (Emotional Rollercoaster)

Imposter Syndrome


Going off-course

“Years of coaching and research prove that issues compound.
This Leads to increased pressure and overwhelm.”
For example:
✓ Being time poor makes you stressed.
✓ Being Stressed lowers your resilience.
✓ Lower resilience reduces communication quality.
✓ Poor internal and external communication impacts wellbeing.
✓ Compromised wellbeing damages your leadership ability.
We have seen first hand, businesses collapse due to poor leadership, serious conflicts, and costly time mistakes. *Stress costs Australian business $39 billion in lost productivity.
In 2019, the World Health Organization classified burnout as an occupational phenomenon resulting from chronic workplace stress. Since COVID, this has escalated dramatically.
The research doesn’t lie.
In a recent study, conducted in 2021, it was found in the workforce 26% of deadlines are being missed each week. The most common cause is unrealistic expectations (35%). A lack of clarity caused by unclear processes (27%) is also a top driver. Nearly half (46%) of respondents cite being overworked as a key factor contributing to burnout, with one in three (29%) feeling overworked from a lack of clarity on tasks and roles.
Conflicts and ineffective communication also cheat business of valuable time.
In the CPPP Global Human Capital report it was found that each employee spends on average 1 day per month dealing with conflict.
In a study done in June, 2022, Deloite found that one out of executives are constantly struggling with fatigue and poor mental health and are ready to quit.
The ‘big resignation’, ‘quiet quitting’ etc are all side effects of the rising epidemic of stress, tensions, conflict and mis managed wellbeing.
Those leaders who can not only survive but thrive in these challenging environments compound their knowledge, wisdom and learnings.
Sourcing current methodologies founded in science, research and real life case studies, we’ve encapsulated a model of W.I.S.D.O.M ensure leaders can increase resilence, roll with punches, adapt to challenges and transform their stress into a source of strength, moving from Chaos to Calm to truly shine.
“I was experiencing an enormous amount of overwhelm working in a leadership position for a Not-for-Profit organization, I have my own business, plus I have a life and husband. I had very little personal time for myself. I wanted to be more proactive, manage my time a lot better at work and to achieve my tasks.
I wanted to prioritize things and get a bit of life back for myself, to get clear on my goals and actively pursue them.
My main pain point was emails. I was getting like 60 plus emails a day and it was literally just taken over my life. I’d almost dread getting up and opening up the computer to see what was there and what I had to do. It took my attention away from all the other tasks that I had to do in the team.
Implementing these amazing strategies led to me being able to save up to 10 hours a week. It just blows my mind; that’s over 5000 hours in a year! For that alone, it was absolute gold.
Being clear on my Vision, my mission, my purpose, was so valuable because I could very quickly and easily make decisions about what to say yes to, and how to prioritize. I really also wanted to understand where my time was going and when you understand that you can actually make change.
Within six months, I’d moved from procrastination into purpose and I feel like I’m a bit of a time tamer extraordinaire now. I really hope that other people can get the same benefits that I have.
I think anything you can think of in business that you want support with, there is something in this c for you and I just couldn’t recommend it highly enough.”
Graduates of the Executive Leadership Coaching are :

Solution Focused
Rocked Fuelled
Strategic Decision Makers
Trail Blazers
Certain & Confident
“Barbara has the capacity to explain complex topics simply. Always appreciate her flexibility and understanding of businesses diverse needs. She has a wealth of knowledge that converts to practical outputs.”
Key Learning Outcomes will include

- Mapping Tools for Mindfulness & Clarity
- Change Management (Self)
- Mastering Procrastination
- Mastering Prioritisation
- Email Mastery
- Digital Tools for Productivity
- Availability & Boundaries
- Be the Example
- Dealing With Difficult People
- Managing in the Moment
- Managing Challenging Behaviours
- Managing Workplace Conflict
- Transforming Stress to Strength
- Hacking your Brain to Harness Stress
- Business Grit
- Workplace Culture
- Change Management (team)
- Customer Service
- Supervision
- Managing Performance
- Motivating Staff
- Coaching & Mentoring
- Appropriate Workplace Behaviour
- Working Effectively as a Team

- Inspired Destiny – personal strategic direction
- Emotional Intelligence
- Personal Integrety (Purpose Vision & Mission, Core Beliefs & Values)
- Personal Resilience
- Working in YOur Genius Zone
- Protect & Manage Personal Energy
- Building Resilient Teams
- Stimulus & Response
- Creating Customer Engagement
- Assertiveness
- Confidence
- Negotiation & Influence
- Professional Business Writing
- Non Toxic Communication
- Align Communication to Purpose vs Force
- Effective Minute Writing
- Sleep Management
- Peak Mental Performance
- Personal Performance Culture
- Fit for Life
- Energy & Vitality for Leaders
- Outperform Young Bucks
- Leaders Eat Last
- Real Workplace Wellness
- Hacking Health for Executives
“When the going gets tough, we’ll fall back to old habits, what’s comfortable and what’s easy. When I get into that position of feeling overwhelmed with things, the theory just goes out of my head and I fall back to unhelpful practices. When you have to work hard at something, whether that is time management or watching what you eat or exercising regularly, then it’s just trying to get back on that wagon
I didn’t feel comfortable asking somebody at work, or my supervisor or colleague, because of that sense of being judged, looked down on or that I couldn’t achieve things at work.
Maybe you feel like you’re starting from scratch, or maybe you’ve talked with people about what works for them, but you’ve tried those techniques and it doesn’t work for you. You’re not somebody who can get up at 4:00 o’clock in the morning to beat everyone else, to get things done. It’s reassuring to know that there’s realistic strategies that you can discuss and try, yet still feel that sense of success, accountability and without a sense of judgment. That’s what I found really valuable. I’ve learned a lot about myself, and I’ve learned new strategies without feeling like a failure or without feeling any sense of judgment, I found it to be very helpful process. I feel that I’m in a better place to achieve things, to identify the priorities and to also be kinder to myself, when things get in the way. “
Key Benefits Include
Gaining back 2 hours per day (that's 10 hours per week, 12 weeks per year).
- Mastering Prioritisation
- Eliminate procrastination
- Create bigger impact with less effort
- Processes to ensure the important things are addressed before they become urgent.
Tools to deal with difficult people and prevent conflict or complaint
- Strategies to manage in the moment (rather than drowning)
- Hacking your brain to harness stress
- Developing a healthy workplace culture
Sustaining loyal and motivated staff/team
Managing the performance of your team
Generating powerful word of mouth and repeat business
Coach, mentor, lead and manage with the right leadership style
Enhance your intuition and Emotional Intelligence
- Make decisions easily with purpose
- Discover and work in your genius zone
- Protect and mange personal energy
Assert yourself while maintaining personal & professional integrity
Negotiate with prowess
Resolve conflict and address issues
Powerfully engage with customers, clients and stakeholders
Communicate with influence
Manage wellbeing for peak performance, increase your performance capacity
- Improve sleep patterns for energy, stamina and a power brain.
- How to work with your body, not against it
- Reform new, sustainable habits
- Understanding how and why the body loses flexibility and range of motion
- How to arrest and reverse compromised flexibility
- How to correct chronic stiffness and pain
- Energising movements to beat fatigue
“Sometimes I’d be like a hamster on the hamster wheel, just running really fast, hoping to get somewhere by doing that.
The program has been transformational for my business and fundamentally it’s been transformational, for my wellbeing.
I’ve now got more order in in the chaos that was my life and my schedule.
So when I feel like ‘argh, where to next?’ I know that I can come back to her systems to get laser focus to create time for that laser focus, and then to act on it. “
Executive Leadership Coaching delivery

- Live, facilitated professional development workshops and group coaching to provide you with exclusive connection to a community of leadership, alleviating professional isolation.
- Access to a massive and growing library of instructional videos, worksheets, swipe files, templates, tools, strategies and personal assessments so you are never left without a strategy or tool that works for you in any situation.
- Personal tasks specific to your learning needs in your own online coaching portal, for a portfolio of actionable solutions.
- Digital habit tracking tools within your personal online coaching portal to measure outcomes and hardwire new, productive habits.
- Pre & post assessment for each pillar of learning every 2 months to ensure guaranteed results, track wins and to provide you with ongoing improvement reports.
Generate the energy and vitality required to live your best life. Live long, live strong
The art of communication – assert, influence, and negotiate better outcomes.
Discover the benefits of stress and understand how to transform your stress to strength.
Polish your leadership skills to influence, pave the way and move others with you.
Develop resilience to roll with the punches and manage in the moment.
Master procrastination and prioritisation. Be systemised for success.
Want to know more?
“Barbara helped me slow down, sort my priorities, and set goals for my business, and real-life goals for myself. Turning the spotlight on myself was really hard because I love to help other people, but we got through the fog and I have a clearer idea of what I want to do, and where I am going.
The 12-month program was flexible and full of non-judgemental support and direction. Barbara provided me regular opportunities to talk, tackle difficult elements of my business, along with introducing me to a range of digital tools. Most importantly I am much more confident about my systems and the services I offer to clients, and my professional development. So yes, without hesitation I would definitely recommend having a chat with Barbara!”