When You’re Stressed… Crank Up the Nutrients

Right up until he passed away, Dr John Hinwood was a prolific blogger (an award-winning blogger in fact!). John’s blog’s shared musing from a rich history of experience, learnings, travel and wisdom


The Hinwood Institute is named in honour of Dr John and to continue his legacy, we’re republishing his blogs to keep his wisdom, wit and wise words alive for the world to enjoy.

You can learn more about the legacy of Dr John Hinwood HERE.

On 26 February 2018 Choice magazine reported that Australia’s largest supermarkets have been awarded a fail mark for their role in manufacturing and promoting unhealthy foods in a new independent academic report.
The Deakin University report by researchers at the Global Obesity Centre, assessed Woolworths, Coles, Aldi and IGA’s nutrition and obesity prevention policies and commitments.
The study took into consideration six different criteria, including whether home-brand products have healthy formulations, whether unhealthy foods are advertised to children and teenagers, and the pricing strategies used to market both junk and healthy foods.
The scores were calculated by putting publicly available data (collected up until the end of 2017) through an assessment tool used by health researchers in more than 20 countries.
Each supermarket was scored out of 100.
Woolworths was awarded the highest score of just 46%, followed by Coles with 40%.
Discount supermarkets Aldi at 11% and IGA trailed with a score of 8%.
Two out of every three adults are considered overweight or obese, says Associate Professor Gary Sacks, the lead author of the study.
When You’re Stressed… Crank Up the Nutrients
Woolworths and Coles were commended for reducing the levels of sodium, sugar and fat, as well as rolling out the government’s voluntary health-star rating system, on their own-brand products.
Numerous research studies have found that under times of stress, our bodies need 4 times more nutrients than at a time when everything is flowing at a normal balanced pace.

How Your Health is Impacted by Bad Habits When You Are Stressed

-Blood Sugar and Insulin Imbalances: When you don’t eat enough food or don’t eat food with necessary nutrients, you can experience blood sugar fluctuations. These fluctuations can lead to mood swings, fatigue, poor concentration and other negative consequences in the short term, and greater health problems like hyperglycemia and Type 2 Diabetes in the long run.

-Caffeine Side Effects: Too much caffeine can lead to poor concentration, lower levels of productivity, sleep disturbances and increased levels of cortisol in the blood, as well as other negative effects.

-Decreased Immunity: Poor nutrition can also lead to lowered immunity so you’re more susceptible to illnesses, both minor and major.

In times of stress…
Sideline … fast foods, soft drinks, energy drinks and excessive amounts of coffee.
Replace with … spring or filtered water, high quality nutrient food that is chemical and additive free.
Are you ready to improve your stress management and overall health? Take the first step by assessing your stress levels and nutritional needs with our quick test: Find Your Stress Score.
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About the Author

Dr. John Hinwood
Dr. John Hinwood is a Global Leader in Stress Management. He is a very experienced and respected executive coach, mentor, consultant, sought after international speaker and author. He specialises in facilitation that leads clients out of the stress and into the calm. He has a reputation for innovative and transformational work in stress-life balance and mindset change for front line employees, to managers and business leaders.

Dr John Hinwood has shared the stage with Dr John Demartini, Dr Deepak Chopra, Dr Wayne Dyer, Dr Joe Dispenzia, Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul fame), Dr Bruce Lipton, Dr Masaru Emoto and others who are at the cutting edge of human behaviour and mindset change.

He has written 14 books with 4 being Amazon international best sellers. He has had papers published in academic journals and was once Captain/Coach of the Danish National Rugby Team. Dr. John’s experience as a health professional by training, successful businessman by effort and an inspiration by inclination has given him an awesome array of practical tools for success.